This past weekend we hosted our first annual "Glitz, Glam, and Gowns" event! The day was absolutely perfect. We had spent hours and hours preparing, and it was absolutely worth all the work. Our girls looked beautiful, and we loved getting to spend the day pampering them!
We had about 25 high school girls from all over the state come to the event. Upon arrival, they received a goodie bag with make-up samples and walked down the red carpet to the refreshment area. We are very thankful to our volunteers, Fresh Market, Chick-fil-a, and Panera for donating snacks and drinks to the event. After visiting for a while, the girls were invited back to shop for a prom dress. We had over 210 dresses available to the girls!
All of the dresses
After trying on many dresses, the girls got to pick one to take home at no cost. The next stop on the route was the Shoe and Jewelry room. Each girl was able to pick out a pair of shoes and some jewelry to match their new dress. After that, the girls headed to the Beauty room. Here we had volunteers waiting to do their hair, make-up and nails. Our volunteers could have been professionals- they did a great job teaching the girls how to recreate their look for the special night.
A volunteer giving a manicure to one of our precious girls
When the make-overs were done, the girls were invited to put their complete outfit on. We had a wonderful photographer who took glamour shots of the girls. We will mail these out to the girls to help them remember how to create their look on the night of their dance. It was so fun to watch the girls pose and dance around. They were glowing!

One of our great volunteers helping a girl tie up her dress
Our photographer showed the girls their photos after they took them so they could see how beautiful they looked. One sweet girl looked at her photo and started to cry. She said "I've never felt this beautiful before!" Tears came to my eyes too as I watched this stunning young woman twirl around the room. Countless others gushed about how they just couldn't believe they got to take the dress home! My favorite part of the whole day was watching the girls light up as volunteer after volunteer told them how beautiful and loved they were.
That is why we did this event. Not just to provide a dress for a high school dance, but to love on them and let them know that they are beautiful children of the Creator of the Universe. We are so thankful for the opportunity to share a piece of life with these beautiful high school girls!
The ladies of BigHouse