- Collect Yellow Pepsi Power Vote Caps or Box Codes
- Bring 10 or more caps/codes to Integrity Auto Service- 1007 Geneva St. in Opelika
- Turn in the caps/codes and receive a $25 OFF Certificate.
- ALL Caps due on or before Friday, July 29th at 5:00pm- sorry, no exceptions.
- One per person, certificates can not be combined with any other offer/coupon.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Friday, July 1, 2011
Rock the Vote!
BigHouse is competing for a $10,000 Pepsi Refresh Everything Grant to provide care packages to children when the enter foster care. Many times, children come into care with little to no belongings. They need everything from a toothbrush to pajamas! We want to equip local DHR's with readymade kits they can give the child as soon as they enter care. These will contain toiletries, socks, underwear, and maybe even a toy or lovey. Here's the thing... WE NEED YOUR HELP to make this happen!
There are 2 ways to vote and 2 ways to help!
1. log on to www.refresheverything.com/bighousefoundation and sign up to vote! You can log-in with a facebook account or email (or try both)! Once per day!
2. Text 107285 to 73774 to vote via text message! Once per day!
1. Tell everyone you know to vote! Family, Friends, Church members, Civic Groups, Co-workers, Running buddies, Day Care workers, Your kid's friend's parents, etc. We have got to GET THE WORD OUT and you can help! Send them the info to vote or a link to this blog.
2. Collect the yellow bonus vote caps on Pepsi Products! Each code on these caps is worth 5-100 bonus votes! You can even bring them to BigHouse and we'll enter them for you! This is a great and easy way to make a huge impact!
Remember- every vote helps us get one step closer to winning the grant- Please be a part of us making life a little easier for kids in foster care!!
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Feeling grown up...

my life is in the hands of the maker of heaven."
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Golf Tournament!
Monday, June 27, 2011
What's new at BigHouse!
-Foster mom in Chilton County
"We, too, got our towels and suits today! All 4 of 'my babies' were THRILLED! They put them on right away and even took their naps STILL wearing them and used the towel as their covers. Took the towels to bed with them tonight too!! They kept saying, "Is that 'my' name on there? Show me where it says my name." I assured them that it WAS their name! :) So Thank-You, Thank You to EVERYone involved. They were definitely a 'hit' at "Our Big House". :) Now we gotta go swimming!! :)"
- Foster mom in Shelby County
"What a beautiful gift you sent for our little girl! She is autistic and carries her new suit and towel every where with her to show people. "Look, look!" is a phrase I hear from her all day. She repeatedly traces her name on the towel with her fingers and says her name. I wish you could see her twirling, trying to get the ruffles on her suit to sway.You couldn't have blessed her more and in doing so, you have blessed me. Thank you so much! "
- Foster mom in Calhoun County
"The children were so excited to have a towel with their name monogrammed. For many of them, these towels are the only thing that they have ever had which was personalized just for them. Even the older teenagers wanted me to let you know how much your gift meant to them."
- Dallas County Service Supervisor
And here are a few pics from the drive.

I go to Auburn University; I'm a Social Work major.
I pretty much love my life; it rocks.

Thursday, March 31, 2011
Belk Charity Event Tickets!!!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Here we gooooooooo!!!