Thursday, May 23, 2013

Called to Care

At BigHouse, we believe foster parenting is a calling. It's not something that comes naturally to anyone - to care for children that have no connection to you and have nothing to offer in return. We believe that God has called His people to care for the weak and defenseless among us, which in America include children who have been removed from their natural homes due to neglect or abuse from their birth families.

He calls some to care by becoming foster parents and bring a child or children into their home temporarily while others work with biological parent(s) to create or restore a stable and secure environment in order for them to return. He calls some to care through their profession as social workers, lawyers, police officers, counselors, pediatricians, nurses, therapists, and teachers. In some of these cases, choosing to make children in foster care your professional focus means that you may work harder and be paid less than you would for serving other clients. He calls some to care by advocating for these children in various levels of government, to make changes in laws or provide adequate funding to offices that make critical decisions for the youth in foster care. He calls some to care by supporting organizations like ours that work directly with the children.

He's calling us all to care for children in foster care. This month is foster care awareness month. On Monday we held a drop-in prayer vigil as part of the Cry of the Orphan's 2013 National Foster Care Prayer Vigil. They have a free prayer guide that you can download. We want to encourage you to pray not only for the children that we minister to, but to also open your heart and mind to listen to what God is calling you to do. Then get busy! We love the quote that says, "God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies those He calls." Don't worry about how all the details will work out, just take the first step.

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