Monday, June 11, 2012

A dose of reality...

I got a little dose of reality today.

I came across some statistics from an organization on the west coast that helps foster care youth who are aging out. Aging out means they are turning 18 and going to be considered a legal adult, so they no longer need (or usually want) to be in foster care. At first glance (a very quick glance) this seems like a good thing- they have "made it " to adulthood and can finally take care of themselves. Yeah, right. In reality, many times this is the beginning of a long and painful road to adulthood. One filled with homelessness, hunger, mental health problems, unplanned pregnancy, lack of education, and lack of job opportunities. The options are few and the issues are many for a teen trying to make it on their own. Please go read the statistics for yourself here!

I wish I were writing this blog post because BigHouse was launching some amazing new program to change these kids lives and put an end to the depressing list above. I'm not. I honestly don't know what to do to help these teens. I mean, I had the financial, emotional and physical support of my family until marriage, and even after in some ways, so what do I know about "making it" on my own at 18. I don't know what the right thing to say to teens in this or facing this is. BUT I do know that I can pray for them and God can meet those needs. So I'd like to ask you to join me in that. Not in doing yet, but in praying.

Pray for their safety.
Pray for their protection.
Pray for their comfort.
Pray for their provision.
Pray for their spiritual, emotional, mental and physical being.
Pray for their decision making.
Pray for their resistance to unhealthy habits, places and people.
Pray for their opportunities.
Pray for their salvation.

Also, pray for BigHouse, our community and yourself... how can we respond to this? How can we meet these needs and point these teens back to Christ?

Pray for wisdom for all of those who come into contact with these teens or make decisions on their behalf: judges, social workers, teachers, employers, land lords, doctors and government leaders.

Pray... and then if the Lord moves you to action, respond.

Eph. 3:20-21


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