Monday, July 16, 2012

Back-to-School Bash

  • $308 - the amount the average child needs for supplies and clothing for a new school year
  • 30 - the number of school-age youth in traditional foster families in Lee County
  • 4 - the number of hours we need volunteers one Saturday to help with haircuts, shopping, parking, registration, and food service for our Back-to-School Bash
Stock our Clothes Closet
We collect new and gently used children's and teen's clothing throughout the year, but particularly before our Back-to-School Bash we need school-appropriate items such as jeans, shorts, khakis, skirts, long and short sleeve shirts, jackets, shoes, NEW socks and underwear, and accessories. Here are some specific gaps:

Girls' Size 6 - Shirts
Girls' Size 7 - Shirts, Shorts, Skirts
Girls' Size 8 - Shorts
Girls' Size 12 (Large) - Shirts, Shorts, Skirts
Girls' Size 16 (XL) - Jeans
Junior/Misses Size XS - Shirts
Junior/Misses Size XL - Shirts
Juniors' Size 1 (Women's 0 - 2) - Jeans
Juniors' Size 13 and up (Women's 14 and up) - Jeans

Boys' Size 5T/5 - Jeans
Boys' Size 6 - Jeans
Boys' Size 7 - Shirts, Shorts
Boys' Size 8 - Shorts
Boys' 10 - Shirts, Shorts
Boys' 12 - Shirts, Shorts
Boys' 14 and up - Shirts, Jeans, Shorts
Mens' Small - Shirts
Mens' Small and Up - Shorts, Jeans

Donate School Supplies
In order of priority:
- Composition books
- Graph paper
- Pencil sharpeners (that collect shavings)
- Mechanical pencils and lead
- School boxes
- Pencil pouches (zippered, for 3-ring binder)
- 3"x5" index cards
- Clear plastic backpacks
- Mesh backpacks
- Colored pencils (12 count)
- Washable markers (10 count)
- Crayons (24 count)
- 1-subject spiral notebooks (wide and college rule)
- White copy paper
- Protractors/compasses/rulers
- Pocket folders with brads
- Loose-leaf notebook paper (wide and college rule)
- Black/blue/red pens
- 1" - 3" binders
- Glue sticks/white glue
- No. 2 pencils
- Highlighters
- Correction tape
- Basic and scientific calculators

Can you cut or braid hair? Would you like to drop off cookies, brownies, chips or drinks to serve our guests? Are you available from 9am - 1pm on Saturday, July 28th and want to assist with registration, shopping, parking or entertaining? WE NEED YOU! Email us at or call (334) 363-2634. 

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