Monday, July 30, 2012

Ready for school!

On Saturday, July 28th, we hosted our annual Back-to-School Bash in conjunction with DHR's foster care unit and Lee County Foster and Adoptive Parent Association. We had over 60 school-age kids receive a total of 874 school supplies and 359 items from our Clothes Closet. Several also got a trim from a hairstylist who volunteered. Toiletry kits that had been given to DHR were also distributed. All of these necessities were provided for free thanks to the generosity of our community!

(Most kids received 15 school items and were allowed to select 10 clothing items.)

(Average haircut cost: $20 - thanks, Amber, for donating your time and talent for our kids!)

(DHR, LCFAPA, and BigHouse supporters provided a hot dog lunch for all the attendees.)

(As a special project, we invited everyone to paint their hand print on our new shed wall completed by AUMC's Sweat Week work crew.)

We collect school supplies throughout the year that can be given to kids that come into foster care (many times with only a few personal belongings). We also keep our Clothes Closet stocked with new and gently used kids' and teens' clothing. Donations can be dropped off at 211 Samford Ave. in Opelika from 9-5, Monday - Thursday or after-hours in our donation box in the parking lot.

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